Demonstrate foresight!
Industrial and manufacturing companies have to follow multiple provisions under environmental and technical law. Gaining an overview of the constant alterations and changes and building up a legally optimized company organization generally appears to be a difficult, if not nearly impossible challenge.
Here we assist companies with our services.
We offer an Information Service in Environmental and Technical law which has been regularly published since 1998 and provides information inter alia in the fields mentioned above about news in EU, Federal and State law, but also about draft and political discussions. Further information is provided here.
Furthermore, we assist companies with the set-up of a company-specific schedule of legal provisions as well as with the optimization of the company organization in the field of environmental and technical law, for example by drafting company-specific delegations of duties.
It goes without saying that we also offer in-house-seminars dealing with special areas of environmental and technical law as well as with legal liability.